At JPllA, as a sports ministry, we try to provide every student-athlete the opportunity to play any sport provided by the CSAA. Our focus includes showing and teaching good sportsmanship and Catholic attitude, giving all students interested in sports an opportunity to participate, and providing opportunities to have active parent involvement.

Sports opportunities include: basketball, volleyball, cross country, archery, and football among others. The wonderful success of our program is visible in the support of our two parishes, JPIIA, and parent volunteers.

Everyone is encouraged to get involved!

                                                                                           Fall Sports

                                                                               Sign Ups in June – July

                                            Cheerleading                                                             Football – Flag

                                Non-CSAA, Girls, 3rd-8th Grade                                   Non-CSAA, Co-Ed K-2nd Grade

                                   Season Runs August – TBD                                     Season Runs August – October

                                    Powder Puff Football                                                           Volleyball

                                   CSAA, Girls, 5th-8th Grade                                                CSAA, Girls, 3rd-8th Grade

                                  Season Runs August – TBD                                         Season Runs Late July – October

                                         Cross-Country                                                             Football – Tackle

                                CSAA, Co-Ed, 1st-8th Grade                                               CSAA, Boys, 3rd-8th Grade

                           Season Runs Late July – October                                   Season Runs August – November

                                          Soccer K-2                                                                      Volleyball K-2

                          Non-CSAA, Co-Ed, K-2nd Grade                                               Non-CSAA, K-2nd Grade

                          Season Runs August – October                                            Season Runs August – TBD